Sunday 29 January 2017

update on geometric diagram of the 'end 'linear'' path of horse's foot

When working on different lengths and pivot points of the horse's leg linkage geometric simulations were drawn placing either pencil either marker at the tip of the foot of linkage mechanism. 

During the simulation - different lines were drawn, which were not either symmetrical or even top line was too long. Top line is representing horses foot which has to move up during other legs are crawling the bottom path on the ground. What we were searching was relatively long bottom line and relatively short triangle for the top line.

At the end of tests, a path is made by combining two linkage movements: one with basic construction of linkage (support linkage at sides), while the other is inner loose linkage. Tests were made as a trace on a paper, but we can presume a real test would show weakness on the tip of the foot.

Final linkage's path

Sunday 22 January 2017

video interview and presentation of the exhibition at Kapelica Gallery (in Slovene)

Horse power: The Poetics of Movement is an intermedia situation established so that one can reflect on technological progress in the post-humanistic context. (video by Aljoša Abrahamsberg)

From December 16, 2016 to January 13, 2017 (at Kapelica Gallery on Kersnikova/Ljubljana) visitors of Slovenia's capital city were invited to experience a 3D visual art project, entitled Horsepower: the poetics of movement.

The concept developed by Zoran Srdić Janežič and Otto Urpelainen and a team of professionals of the fields of visual artists, engineers to biologists; is described as "a situation rising within the connected media, contemplating the technological progress in post-humanistic context."

The horse in the featured installation is a hybrid robotized automata (hybrot) with its own perception and movement intelligence that was powered by a bioreactor.

Saturday 7 January 2017

video document (in Slovene): Konjska moč, pogovor z ustvarjalci ob razstavi: četrtek, 5. 1. 2017, ob 19. uri v Galeriji Kapelica / presentation of the artproject Horsepower - conversation with the creators of the exhibition

Zoran Srdić Janežič, Otto Urpelainen: Konjska moč, pogovor z ustvarjalci ob razstavi: četrtek, 5. 1. 2017, ob 19. uri v Galeriji Kapelica

Predstavitev projekta in pogovor o robotiki in umetnosti z živimi organizmi
V četrtek, 5. 1. 2017, ob 19. uri v Galeriji Kapelica na Kersnikovi 4 v Ljubljani

V prvem tednu novega leta si bomo še enkrat ogledali robotskega konja, ki se na trenutni stopnji razvoja premika, ko zazna obiskovalca v galeriji. Moč, ki jo proizvajajo bakterije v razkrajajočem konjskem mesu, sproža dovajanje električne energije, potrebne za gibanje.

Nekaj o konstrukciji hodečih robotov - kvadropodov; o tveganem podvigu pridobivanja energije iz razpadajočega mesa; zgodbo o občudovanju nežno elegantnih večnožnih gibanj na veter (in kako se ta konča); o izzivih skoraj nemogočih ali neskončnih umetniških projektov za biotehnologe in programerje; ter nikakor ne nazadnje o smislu umetnosti, ki vključuje žive organizme - vam bodo pripovedovali avtor Zoran Srdić Janežič, biotehnologa Sara Zupanc in Benjamin Drakslar, Martin Podlogar, ki je opravil del programiranja ter umetniški vodja Kapelice Jurij Krpan. Pogovor bo spretno zvozila kuratorka Ida Hirsenfelder. Vabljeni k navkrižnemu preizpraševanju in ogledu razstave. Več

Zasnova, razvoj konstrukcije in bioreaktorjev: Zoran Srdić Janežič / Zasnova in programiranje: Otto Urpelainen / Programiranje: Martin Podlogar / Pomoč pri razvoju bioreaktorjev: Sara Zupanc, Benjamin Drakslar / Svetovanje pri bioreaktorjih: Kristian Tkalec / Pomoč pri izdelavi robota: Polona Černe, Žiga Lebar, Janez Pečarič / Besedilo: Ida Hiršenfelder / 3D vizualizacija in renderiranje: Urša Vidic / Foto: Sunčan Stone / Kovinska konstrukcija: Uroš Mehle / Izdelava steklenih posod: Zvonko Drobnič

Produkcija: Zavod Gulag / Koprodukcija: Galerija Kapelica, Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana / Podpora: Mestna občina Ljubljana – Oddelek za kulturo, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS


Zoran Srdić Janežič Otto Urpelainen: presentation of the artproject Horsepower - conversation with the creators of the exhibition on Thursday, 5. 1. 2017, at 19 am in the Kapelica Gallery

In the first week of the new year, we will once again see a robotic horse, which at the current stage of development is moving when it detects a visitor in the gallery. The power produced by the microbial fuel cells from the decaying horse meat raises the supply of electrical energy necessary for movement.

Something about the structure of walking robots - quadropods; the Risk venture extracting energy from decaying meat; the story of admiration gently elegant večnožnih movements in the wind (and how it ends); on the challenges virtually impossible or endless art projects for biotechnology and programmers; and last but not least about the meaning of art, which includes living organisms - you will be told the author Zoran Srdić Janežič biotechnology Sara Zupanc and Benjamin Drakslar Martin Podlogar, which carried out part of the programming and artistic director of the chapels Jurij Krpan. The discussion will be skillfully vehicles curator Ida Hiršenfelder. Take a tour of cross-questioning and exhibitions. more

Design, development construction and bioreactors: Zoran Srdić Janežič / Design and Programming: Otto Urpelainen / Programming: Martin Podlogar / Help in the development of bioreactors: Sara Zupanc, Benjamin Drakslar / Counselling bioreactors: Kristian Tkalec / Help in the manufacture of robots: Polona Cerne, Žiga Lebar, Janez Pečarič / Text: Ida Hiršenfelder / 3D visualization and rendering: Ursa Vidic / Photo: Sunčan Stone / Metal construction: Uros Mehle / Manufacture of glass containers: Zvonko Drobnič

Produced by: Institute of Gulag / Co-production: Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana Puppet Theatre / Support: Municipality of Ljubljana - Department of Culture, Ministry of Culture

Monday 2 January 2017

prototype and fail in early stages of project - construction of the body of the horse

Some of the ideas for the movement and senses of the horsepower robot are coming from the Corpus Animatae pig robot which had main power on the each of the back wheels (or robot legs) - those could move direct forward, backwards and rotate. It's could move randomly in the space, (white) border was a signal for the robot not to cross it. 
One of the goals for the horsepower robot was to somehow discuss alternative means of the power as pig robot had a big battery. Limitations of the bioreactor or microbial fuel cells (MFC) powered through decomposing of the horse meat was familiar fact at the beginning - if nothing at all produced energy might act as a switch or it might act as input for the program of the movement of the horse robot.
The construction of the body of the horse was decided in favour to horse animal anatomy. Small robot on the rails or even on wheels just might move on power accumulated through MFC's. 

For the horse as quadruped animal (related to all biped and quadruped), the movement depends on the speed - resting on all four legs. In the robotic movement robotized automata with determined path of leg movement without the support could not stand just on two legs (if each part of the leg would be manipulated through servo-motors it just might stand on two, but better on three legs / in theory with inverse kinematics it might stand upright only on one leg if servo-motors would balance its body).

Interest in horse anatomy and its movement were through the process of designing the body related basically to marionette movement (previous posts Warhorse or other mechanical horses that were hanged on strings as mobiles), but in order for horse robotized automata to move the position of the tip of each foot must touch the ground.

marionette design for the leg movement

6 linkage or Jansen design

modified design
8 linkage design

first prototype - original size

small scale prototype for analogue determination of the tip of the foot 

construction of each part for later assembly

elastic or spring for smoother walk